Tuesday, 18 September 2012

10th Form The Medival Period

The Middle Ages

Robin Hood was a heroic outlaw in English folklore. A highly skilled archer and swordsman, he is known for "robbing from the rich and giving to the poor".assisted by a group of fellow outlaws known as his "Merry Men".
Traditionally, Robin Hood and his men are depicted wearing Lincoln green clothes. The origin of the legend is claimed by some to have stemmed from actual outlaws, or from ballads or tales of outlaws. Robin Hood became a popular folk figure in the medieval period continuing through to modern literature, films and television. In the earliest sources, Robin Hood is a yeoman, but he was often later portrayed as an aristocrat wrongfully dispossessed of his lands and made into an outlaw by an unscrupulous sheriff.

Robin Hood Tales


  1. I think that he was a good man.It just depends what side you are on: the poor people who were getting the money or the rich people who were getting their dishonest money stolen. He was a controversial personality, because he is stealing( even though it is for a good),he was going the wrong way....well, if we summarize, he really was half and half, he does good things, but after does a bad, so, he's in between not a bad guy, but not a hero

  2. He's a great character, he gives money to the rich - poor

  3. I think that Robin Hood is doing right, because if you pick up a few coins from the rich, they do not become poor from, but for the poor people it is a few days of life. For that they are thankful to Robin. Without fearing of the law, the main character does noble acts, I admire him.

  4. Robin in my opinion a good guy, because it helps people.In rich so much money and I think there is nothing wrong with that part of the money goes to the poor

  5. This is a very good story!
    Robin Hood is very brave, strong and smart man. These qualities I really like a lot of character. And I think it would be good that in our time it is more people like Robin Hood.P.S. Sasha Samokish
